Grief and loss
Author Stephen Jenkinson shares his knowledge and experience of facing death as a palliative care director and dealing with the losses we all share throughout life. Jenkinson is a Harvard educated cultural activist, international speaker and author. His award winning book Die Wise teaches the skills of grieving and dying well. In 2010 he founded a unique school called orphan wisdom which among its many layers provides skills for deep living and making human culture.
Sacred activism
Martin Winiecki, activist, writer and leader of Tamera's Institute for Global Peace Work
The evolution of culture
A conversation with Charles Eisenstein about living an authentic life in modern culture, Eisenstein offers inspiration for youth and heartfelt sharing of his life's journey.
The global virtues project
The Virtues Project is a global grassroots initiative to inspire the practice of virtues in everyday life, sparking a global revolution of kindness, justice, and integrity in more than 100 countries around the world.
Indigenous youth leaders
Youth leader Gordy Bear gives insight into his integrative work with Native communities
Forgiveness is a choice
Robert Enright is a Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Wisconsin and a founding board member of the International Forgiveness Institute. He has been pioneering the scientific study of forgiveness and its effects since 1985.
The first Palestinian-Israeli comdey tour
Ray Hanania is an award-winning writer, author and former journalist. He is the co-founder of the “Israeli-Palestinian Comedy Tour”, the first comedy group to feature both Palestinians and Israelis on the same comedy stage.
Hanania’s parents come from Jerusalem and Bethlehem, and he is a Palestinian, American Christian. Hanania's wife and son are Jewish, and he strives to break barriers between Jews and Arabs, Palestinians and Israelis through his hard-hitting writing and his standup comedy.